Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Origami Lights

I got the idea to do this because I did it in my classroom in fifth grade. They are little origami boxes. Also known as water bombs if you know how to  make those. Once you make the bomb or the box, you blow it up through a little hole that you should have once your done making the box. You then stick a light into them to make them light up which looks very cool. In one of the pictures below we wrapped them around the railing for a festive look. 

 Here they are lit up.

This is what they look like after you have stuck them in the light
but they are not light up yet.  
On the railing!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Cooking and Falling Squirrels

 HALLOWEEN!!!Over the summer, ( I know, a long time ago) when I got home from camp I saw a little cat crate in there yard which isn't usually there. Then my sister got home with our neighbors. My sister asked me if I had looked in the crate and I told her no. Then, we all crowded around it and there was a baby squirrel so young it hadn't even opened it's eyes yet. It was so cute! We put a hot water bottle underneath it so it would stay warm. We also fed it with a little medicine dropper. Today is Halloween! I am not a big dressing up person so my costume is just a simple black vampire cape even though I am not going to be a vampire.  I have baked and cooked a lot since I have recently blogged. I have pictures of the baby squirrel, apple pie, beef and vegetable stir fry's. They all came out really good but I especially liked the stir fry. I also made lemon meringue pie with my friend one day. We made 8 miniature ones. They were good but the crust was a little bit uncooked. I have also been working on crocheting a blanket for my cousins about to be born baby. I couldn't include a picture though.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Catch Up

I have not blogged in what seems like forever. I am going to fill whoever reads this in on what has happened most recently to what has happened  last month.
 We recently had just come back from Nantucket visiting our Dad's Uncle which we do each year but I will talk about that later. We had finished unpacking and were giving some gifts to our neighbors when our newest neighbors on our street came running down the street and told us that there was an adorable lost puppy that was on Main st. We all rushed down and it was the cutest puppy ever. We followed it all around asking people if they knew whose puppy it was. Finally someone called the police station and thankfully someone had just filed a report for a missing dog. The police station then called the lady and told her where her dog was. They pulled up in a red car and the lady picked up her dog and was so happy she found her dog. So was the dog whose name was Mandy. That was about half and hour. It was a lot of fun following the dog. 
      Now back to Nantucket, we usually always visit each year. We also see our second cousins. One is four an a half the other is three. They are both very cute. We spend a lot of time playing with them and taking bike rides. We bike up to a lot of places but every year we bike to a dock and feed the turtles. We figured this out a couple years ago. We were taking a bike ride one year and we stopped by the dock to see what everyone was doing. Feeding turtles!!! Everyone there had tied a string around a raw chicken bone and was dangling it in the water where there were huge turtles that were taking some of the meat off of the chicken bones. Some folks who were leaving gave us some of their chicken bones so we got to try it. We have done it ever since. This year was the same. 
      I love to bake! My mom is trying to get me to enjoy cooking more so I can make dinner but not yet. Any how, My sister and her friend went to our bookstore and bought a book called Hello Cupcake! It has a lot of amazing recipes on how to make amazing cupcakes. In the end they decided to make the garden cupcakes. I baked the cupcakes and they decorated them. They looked very cool in the end. My favorite vegetable on the cupcakes was the peas. They looked awesome. They made them from candy clay. They looked fantastic in the end and were hard to eat.
      Paella is a Spanish dish with lots of seafood in it like, clams, mussels, and other sea foods along with the spices and the vegetables. This is a dish that my Dad and I made. This was our second time. The last time we used about 3 different recipes and followed the measurements and some of the instructions. This year we couldn't find our main recipe so we winged it more this time and added clam broth to it. We cooked it over the grill like last time although this time we were serving it to guests. It was good. I liked them both the same. We cooked it in a paella pan. Its always a ton of fun pulling the foil off of it and seeing how it came out and a little bit scary cause your hoping it won't be a complete failure. We got worried in the end thinking that we didn't put in enough rice so there would be to much liquid and the rice wouldn't absorb it. But it all worked out in the end. Pictures are below.
p.s. this is my longest post in my life.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Yarn Bombing

National Yarn Bombing day was a while ago but here are some pictures that my mom took. My mom decided to help cover a sculpture with yarn crocheted. She got a color, which was green and had to make a big piece for a side. It's pretty cool. I did a tiny green piece to. Tomorrow we have 1/2 a day left of school and then it is summer. My friend is coming over after school and then we are going to sleep in a tent in the yard. Should be fun.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I have just recently finished 2 books. One for a book group and one that I chose myself. Number the Stars by Lois Lowry and Small as an Elephant by Jennifer Jacobson. Number the Stars is a great book. It is placed in a time when the German troops are relocating all of the Jews. So the Johansens take in a friend and hide them from the Germans. Though this book is a short read I really liked reading it with a book group. Small as an Elephant  is a really good book. One day, Jack wakes up and realizes his mother is gone and has left him. This is not the first time this has happened but the car is gone and so is all of her stuff. Then you learn all about where Jack goes hoping to find his mother. These are both really good books though short.


Friday, May 4, 2012


What I Want The World To Know About Me
by Sadie

I am blue,
the color of the sky and ocean.
I am a dog,
sniffing,curious about everything.
I am your brown fleece,
soft, fuzzy, warm.
I am the sound of the piano,
notes fast, slow, drifting from room to room.
I am the kitchen,
I am the room that you come to,
to bake pies,cakes,cupcakes,cookies.
I am the smell,
that wafts through the house,
The smell of baking chocolate chip cookies.
I am the striped couch,
that you sink into with a book.
I am the person who bakes,
desserts for different occasions.
I am the slippery piece of pasta,
you slurp into your mouth
and the piece of pasta twisted in your bowl.
I am the bright shining sun,
blazing high above with warmth and energy.
I am the memory of you and your dad making paella,
with spices, clams,and other ingredients.
I am the repeating dream,
the dream where you can fly,
without anything helping you,
through the clouds.

This is a poem I wrote in class for a poetry picinic that we had in school.
We taught our parents how to write poetry and shared some of the poems that we had written. This is one of my favorite ones that I wrote.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Florida and Other Weird Stuff.

Sorry it took so long to write. I have been busy. We had a lot of fun in Florida. I baked whoopie pies and an apple pie although there was so much butter in it so we had to cut down on that and the crust was a pain in the butt to make. The whoopie pies were really good though, chocolate whoopie pies with peppermint filling. Yum! We also saw The Hunger Games while we were there. On one of our last couple days we decided to go for an airboat ride. There were headphones that we put on so we could hear the driver speaking since the fan in the back was really loud. We saw a lot of  alligators in the water and on land. Some of them were really big!
We went swimming in their pool everyday. Our grandparents own a golf cart and we always like to go for rides and we get to drive it. Well, we kind of had an accident. My mom and Zhi had just gotten back from the ride and mom was letting Zhi pull in and he went in kind of fast so when my mom tried to step on the brake she accidentally hit the gas and they went right into the door. (Did I mention Zhi was sitting on  mom’s lap?)This was very scary for all of us. Me and Grammy were in the kitchen making the apple pie so we saw the door swing open and all of these pieces of the wall falling. Surprisingly though the golf cart was not hurt except for the little plastic thing that goes over the lights in the front. The part the golf cart really damaged was the door and the door frame. It had cracked. From then on or should I say the rest of the vacation was “ out of order”. That was probably the one thing that we will never forget from that trip. Random thing that has nothing to do with Florida is that we did paper mache in class and we got to take them home to day so there is also a picture of the Ermine Weasel that I did but looks like a cat. Also, I know the face is messed up so yeah. Oh, I forgot to tell you that we saw the cutest ducklings ever! Sorry the pictures are all jumbled! :(